When you buy fair trade organic clothing for your baby you can be sure that the people involved at every stage of the production and manufacturing process were treated and paid fairly. In addition, by giving the farmers a fair price for their cotton it enables them to support and strengthen their community.
When you buy fair trade for your baby you are helping to create a positive situation for the farmers in the developing world and because of this the organic clothing industry has experienced a welcome boom in the last few years. The benefits of buying organic clothing for your baby include better health for the consumer, front line farmers, and environment conservation. Awareness of the benefits of organic clothing is growing all the time and what we are seeing is an increasing number of parents are purchasing organic products for their their precious little ones, such as organic diapers, organic clothes, organic blankets and organic soft toys.
www.organicbabyclothesdirect.com has a fabulous selection of fair trade organic clothing for all the precious babies out there!